Let’s Learn Community Education BOP
Let’s Learn Community Education BOP
Let's Learn - Community Education BOP provides support for community education providers and tutors. We also run a successful Adult Learners' Week every year, which is strongly supported by local councils, education providers, and business organizations. Our primary role is to support organizations and individuals involved in community education. We are interested in any support that you may be able to offer, so please contact us if you have any thoughts or suggestions.
Our group provides a directory service for:
1. people looking for courses, classes, workshops, clubs and the like dealing with a wide variety of subjects.
2. providers, tutors and organizers who wish to promote their activities or group. The service is free.
We also organise an annual award ceremony for Adult Learners and Educators and bi-annual “Taster Evenings” at which the public can find out more about learning opportunities in our area.