
  • 7 May

  • 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Mount Maunganui Food Lovers Masterclass

Kiwi households throw out an average of over $1,500 worth of food every year. Come along to Kate Fenwick’s, Food Lovers Masterclass to discover the top 10 Wasted Foods in NZ, and why food is still being wasted even though the price of food is skyrocketing!
Why join us? You will:
LEARN the ‘what, why, and how’ we waste our valuable food.
GATHER useful tips, tricks and life hacks to help you reduce your food waste.
ADVANCE your food storage skills, general food knowledge and be inspired.
If you find yourself throwing out foods that you never got around to eating, the composter is overflowing, or the dogs getting slightly chunkier, then this session is a must to attend! We guarantee you will have plenty of ‘facepalm’ moments but also take home some new knowledge.
What's in the goodie bag? Check out the picture for an example of what you get to take home. Please note, the products in our goodie bags are subject to change as we work with a heap of different companies to fill them.
This workshop is suitable for all households, flats, ages, and stages – everyone will learn something
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