New Zealand Tree Crops Association Inc.

Eastern Bay

Care Group

New Zealand Tree Crops Association Inc.

This group is for those who are passionate about Tree Crops in New Zealand. This groups is about facilitating the conversations that happen at our meetings and fieldtrips.

The objects of the Tree Crops Association are:
(a) to stimulate and promote interest in tree crops generally;
(b) to encourage investigation into tree cropping, and especially into new crops and cultivars;
(c) to promote the standardisation of cultivar names;
(d) to develop and promote the principles of multi-tier farming;
(e) to investigate and promote the benefits of using tree cropping to improve the
(f) to research and disseminate information on growing and using tree crops;
(g) to educate and train people in the growing of tree crops;
(h) to encourage the active participation of amateurs and professionals in the above


Tree Crops Bay of Plenty Branch


Bay of Plenty


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