Maketu Ongatoro Wetland Society
The objects of the Society are to support and encourage the conservation and restoration of the Lower Kaituna River, Maketu Ongatoro and Little Waihi Estuaries and their associated wetlands
- Protecting and ensuring the success of the breeding colony of New Zealand Dotterel - Tuturiwhatu (Charidrius obscurus) and other native species on Maketu Spit
- Protecting and monitoring populations of migrant arctic and New Zealand shorebirds that use both estuaries - notably bar-tailed godwit, red knot, pacific golden plover, banded dotterel, royal spoonbill and others
- Developing, organising and executing a comprehensive pest and alien plant control programme for the area
- Establishing a comprehensive survey of the ecology of the region together with ongoing monitoring
- Developing an educational programme/pack for local and other schools.
- Provide information to and raising the awareness of the community to the importance and value of the area
- Raising funds to support the conservation work in the two estuaries and their surrounding wetlands
- Working to increase local and national governmental support and funding for conservation initiatives in the area
- Have the long-term obective of having the area designated as a Ramsar Site – a wetland of national and international importance
- Working with other organisations and individuals to further these objectives