Te Kōmiro o Te Utuhina, Rotorua



Te Kōmiro o Te Utuhina, Rotorua

Te Kōmiro o Te Utuhina is an iwi-led roopu that has put our collective hands up to begin the restorative process for our tupuna awa, Te Utuhina, which runs through the middle of Ngāti Whakaue traditional lands in the heart of Rotorua. The roopu is open to anyone who feels a connection to this awa and would like to contribute towards our goal of healing the mauri of our taonga. Te kōmiro represents the coming together of ALL our whānau for our awa. The kōmiro is the river current that spins in a spiral, similar to a whirlpool. Our hope is that as we spiral like a whirlpool, we draw more and more of our whānau and community into our kaupapa of restoring our awa from the sacred spring Karamu Takina to the mouth of the Utuhina running into Lake Rotorua.

Te Kōmiro o Te Utuhina is an iwi-led roopu that has put our collective hands up to begin the restorative process for our tupuna awa, Te Utuhina, which runs through the middle of Ngāti Whakaue traditional lands in the heart of Rotorua. The roopu is open to anyone who feels a connection to this awa and would like to contribute towards our goal of healing the mauri of our taonga. Te kōmiro represents the coming together of ALL our whānau for our awa. The kōmiro is the river current that spins in a spiral, similar to a whirlpool. Our hope is that as we spiral like a whirlpool, we draw more and more of our whānau and community into our kaupapa of restoring our awa from the sacred spring Karamu Takina to the mouth of the Utuhina running into Lake Rotorua.


Greg Allen




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