Otanewainuku Kiwi Trust
Otanewainuku Kiwi Trust
We are guardians of 1200 hectares of virgin forest. Run by volunteers we look after our flora and fauna for future generations yet to come.
The Otanewainuku Kiwi Trust was formed in 2002 to preserve our Taonga (treasure) of native species for generations to come & reverse the decline of a population of North Island Brown Kiwi in Otanewainuku Forest. 13 years on, with a population of over 20 Kiwi & 37 Kokako, the Trust has grown well beyond the hopes of the original Trustees. The Otanewainuku forest lies 25km south of Tauranga & 20km south-west of Te Puke & comprises 1500 hectares of unlogged, lowland podocarp forest; one of the finest examples of this type of forest in the Bay of Plenty. Originally set aside as a timber reserve in 1878; it remains today because the local community have fought to protect it. OKT currently manages over 137kms of trap & bait station lines, 247 stoat tunnels & 1800 bait stations within the forest.