Omokoroa Environmental Managers Inc
Omokoroa Environmental Managers Inc
Based in beautiful Omokoroa, OEMI (Omokoroa Environmental Managers Inc) is an umbrella for of a number of sub-groups: Omokoroa Estuaries Restoration Group; Omokoroa Bird Group; Pest Free Omokoroa; Weed Spotters; Omokoroa History Group; and the Omokoroa Public Art Group.
OEMI is the incorporated Care Group which supports and co-ordinates the activities of environmental groups operating on the peninsula: FRIENDS OF THE GERALD CRAPP RESERVE,OMOKOROA BIRD GROUP,OMOKOROA ESTUARIES RESTORATION GROUP,OMOKOROA HISTORY GROUP,OMOKOROA WEED GROUP (forming),PEST FREE OMOKOROA. Some of these groups have been working for some years, others are just beginning but all will welcome help, support or comments from people interested.