Kawerau Urban Food Forest
Kawerau Urban Food Forest
The Kawerau Urban Food Forest (KUFF) project was launched in Febuary 2017 to create an avenue for edcuation and access to healthy options. Creating and promoting sustainability with a community driven approach.
Kawerau’s Urban Food Forest (KUFF) project was launched in Feb 2017, & it is hoped it will soon become a source of fresh produce. The project will see thousands of fruit & nut trees, berries & herbs planted in the Monika Lanham Reserve. People can help themselves to the produce at no charge. A nursery & glasshouse will be built, & workshops held on seed gathering & sowing, & a community garden planted to provide fresh vegetables year-round. The project is largely thanks to funding support from BOPRC Environmental Enhancement Fund (EEF), which contributed $20,000. Our vision is to raise environmental awareness & use the enthusiasm & skills of the community. Enabling communities such as Kawerau to share fresh, healthy food is a way of bringing people together & building stronger networks.