Katikati Taiao

Katikati Taiao

OUR VISION/TŪRUAPŌ – Katikati is a place where ALL people and nature thrive. OUR MISSION/WHAKATAKANGA - We enable and empower Katikati people to pursue their dreams for community-led initiatives.

Katikati Taiao (KT) was established as a charitable trust (EnviroKatikati Charitable Trust – Katikati Taiao – CC54752) on the 14th August 2017. Our charitable purpose is that the depredation of Katikati's natural world has ceased; its communities are connected and vibrant and happiness thrives. Our intent is to grow connections, increase inclusiveness and build our resilience in Katikati and surrounding areas.
OUR VISION/TŪRUAPŌ – Katikati is a place where ALL people and nature thrive.
OUR MISSION/WHAKATAKANGA - We enable and empower Katikati people to pursue their dreams for community-led initiatives.
1. Kaitiakitanga - We are passionate about the protection and care of the people and place of Katikati.
2. Wairuatanga - We recognize and value the importance of spiritual, mental, and physical well-being in our space.
3. Manaakitanga - We respect, value, and welcome all people, leaning in with grace and aroha as we grow and learn.
4. Whanaungatanga - We are committed to a culture of inclusion, belonging, and sharing as we journey together.
In 2018 we signed a 5 year Partnering Agreement, now extended for an additional year to 2024, with the Department of Internal Affairs (DIA). Katikati Taiao is the Fundholder and Partner with DIA in support of Katikati's Community-led development (CLD) activities. CLD is a principles-based approach rather than a service or model. It is a way of thinking and working that is underpinned by five CLD Principles:
1. Grow from shared local visions.
2. Build from strengths.
3. Work with diverse people and sectors.
4. Grow collaborative local leadership.
5. Learn by doing.
The Whirihia Stewardship Group has operational oversight of KT which enables the support and delivery of the goals and activities set out in the Community-led Development Programme (CLDP). A panel of 8 seats have been established with community members from all sectors in Katikati represented.
In 2018 we conducted a holistic community-led research study as part of establishing Katikati Taiao. The research was community-led, participatory and action oriented.
and was called the Hearts and Minds of Katikati - Ngā Ngākau me ngā Hinengaro O Katikati.
It is also the basis for KT’s focus, values and mission within Katikati and it’s surrounding areas. The purpose of Katikati Taiao Hearts and Minds Research was to investigate the potential and possibilities for a reinvigorated community sense of identity and belonging.
Our Places our People - To tātou Kāinga to tātou Iwi o Katikati
1. Mana Whenua
2. Youth Well-being
3. Intercultural Connections
4. Connection to the Natural Environment
5. Service to community
These five focus areas are still used today to formulate and focus our core efforts through all of the work we do. But, as part of being a learning and flexible community, we realized that two other areas that is in desperate need of empowerment was missed and was added to this list:
6. People with Disabilities
7. Social Housing

Katikati Taiao has 10 community-led projects under its wing, each with staff, project leads and a Community; and a further 16 community food projects as beneficiaries.
These projects include:
1. Backbone CLDP Support & Coordination - supporting CLD mahi in Katikati, Waihi Beach & Waihi
2. The Chrome Collective – Supporting the disabled community in Katikati
3. Grow On Katikati - ensures food security for Katikati from access to seeds, seedlings, compost, education, mentoring and the freshest, healthiest food.
4. Mana Whenua Kaiawhina - upskilling and increasing capacity within Ngai Tamawhariua hapū n furthering their aspirations.
5. KaiGo – Food distributor & Food Rescue – a coordinated and centralised approach to food rescue and in partnership with suppliers, supermarkets, growers and agencies/services. Currently serving around 20 community food initiatives in WBOP.
6. Resource Recovery Initiative – in partnership with MyNoke and the Western Bay of Plenty Council.
7. Kura Kai at Katikati College
8. Drop Deep - Drop Deep Skateboarding is dedicated to reaching out and creating a variety of platforms in the Aotearoa New Zealand skateboarding community.


Sharaine Steenberg


13 Henry Road


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