Bike Whakatane Trust
Bike Whakatane Trust
Bike Whakatane Trust has been established to support and promote all things biking in the Whakatane District. Our members have been behind the development of Whakatane Bike Park, Bikes In Schools projects and events that promote safe cycling.
The purpose of the Trust is to benefit the community by promoting cycling in Whakatane by raising and encouraging awareness and participation in all types of cycling, providing advice and information to decision-makers, promoting safe cycling practices, advocacy for track development, supporting and promoting the Bikes in School program and raising money to fund cycling events and projects in the Whakatane District. We also support and assist other organizations in activities which also advance the trust’s purposes.Over the past 10 years, we have helped develop 8 Bikes in Schools projects, a community Bike Park, ran a number of successful community events, supported the redevelopment of Onepu MTB Park, and worked with WDC towards devel. implem. working and cycling stategies.