• 19 Dec

  • 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm

Te Puna Quarry Park AGM & Lunch

You're warmly invited to the AGM of Te Puna Quarry Park

on Tuesday 19 Dec ’23 at 1 pm in the Gallery, and to a sandwich-style lunch prior to the AGM, starting at 12.

No need to bring your own lunch – it’s Quarry Park’s shout.

Everybody is welcome, but only paid-up members can vote at the AGM.


Agenda items are:  President’s report; Treasurer’s annual report;

Health & Safety report; election of next year’s committee.


Nominations for the committee can be addressed to the president.

If no nominations are received, the committee will propose that the current committee be re-elected, and will continue with 8 members.


The current committee comprises of:  President: Shona Purves;

Vice President & Treasurer: Ian Cross;  Secretary: Elly Nederhoff;

Committee members: Dulcie Artus, Ruth Dainty, Jo Dawkins,

Jennifer Day, Mike McCarthy and Jan Wickham.

Unfortunately, Jennifer Day will not stand to be re-elected.


Please email us if you would like to receive the minutes of

last year’s AGM and/or a summary of the 2023 Financial report.

A limited number of hard copies will be available at the meeting.


There won’t be a guest speaker after the AGM.


For all inquiries please email tepunaquarrypark@gmail.com.


Looking forward to seeing you next week.


Best regards,

Shona Purves,

Elly Nederhoff

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