
  • 17 Jun

  • 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Seed Dating – Te Puna

Welcome to Seed Dating® a form of social networking that aims to tackle climate change. At Seed Dating we encourage people to build slower connections and friendships for a brighter future. We will be discussing key climate initiatives that people can implement in their own backyard, such as:

  • Propagating plants and sowing seeds
  • Creating seamless gardening strategies
  • Sourcing real and locally produced food
  • General gardening knowledge and permaculture design
  • Composting and regenerative agriculture

Anyone can attend Seed Dating, for example beginner or advanced garden enthusiasts, non gardeners, gardening club members, businesses and families. During the course of the day, guests will be encouraged to join in on quizzes that spark inspiration and connectedness to our natural world, with people they don't necessarily know. You never know what influences you may discover!

Come along to the gallery room to enjoy a fun afternoon filled with interactive activities. You will get the opportunity to elaborate on your ideas via group discussions, and planned activities.


No need to bring anything (except a friend or two, if you like).

Tea/coffee, and light refreshments will be provided.

See you there,

Ngā mihi,

Anna Greenwood, Event Planner

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