
  • 27 Jul

  • 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

Linton Park West Project Working Bee

Join Forest & Bird Rotorua for a working bee where the focus this month will be on releasing trees from ivy and Japanese honeysuckle, and we'll  deal to any cherry and privet trees we find. We'd love to have you join us. Details below.


Saturday July 27

Start 9am    Finish 12noon

Meet at the Edmund Rd entrance

Park offroad by the Gull station or in front of 4 Square

BYO drink, gardening gloves, tools (useful ones are secateurs, loppers, handsaws)

Wear long sleeves, long pants and sturdy footwear.

Morning tea provided (you bring your drink)

Registration essential. Registration required for each working bee, previous registrations do not carry over from one working bee to the next. Children under 14y welcome but must come with a responsible adult.

Please register by July 25 by clicking on this link:

In the event of cancellation, we will only contact those who have registered.

Leader: Linda Johnson  Ph: 027 358 1467

Visit Event Website


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