
  • 25 Aug

  • 10:00 am - 1:00 pm

*** Event Postponed*** Learn to Crochet – Make Granny Squares with Kiwi Homesteaders

Event postponed - please keep an eye on our Website Whats On Page and our social media for a new date. Alternatively email Andrea directly and she will pop your name on a mailing list for the new date.  
Come and join us. Learn how to crochet your own Granny Square (sun glass) case with us. This is a 2 session event!!!
Date and Time : 11. August, 10.00 AM- 1.00PM workshop #1
Date:and Time: 25. August, 10.00AM-2.00PM workshop #2
Venue: 31 B Glasgow Street, Tauranga @the Envirohub
Total cost for both events is: $156
plus additional Humanitix fees, included is the crochet hook, the wool and video tutorials to work independently
I am so excited to offer this fun workshop. We have had many requests and here it is.
Granny Squares are back in trend!!
In these 2 sessions that are 2 weeks apart we we will: in the first session become familiar and crochet a square. We will see how many squares we can make on the day and the participants can finish the squares at home to complete 4. This is easy to continue, along side the provided video tutorials that everyone will receive via email after registering.
During the second session, we will be attaching the 4 squares together and learning how to sew in the ends correctly.
Crochet is a relaxing craft to learn, ideal for the colder month. However once hooked, crocheting is an enjoyable craft for anytime of the year. Much laughter and connection happens during these events, much more then just learning a craft, but being apart of a slow movement community, connecting and learning alongside other like minded folks.
We will have some crafts for sell on the day on a mini pop up shop. Participants can pay with cash or Eftpos.
Note: There is a no refund for this event.
Can everyone please bring some healthy snacks along to nourish us on our journey, thanks.
I am so excited to meet you and share my tricks and skills with you all
Can't wait
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