To acknowledge another big year at Forest & Bird, you are invited to an end-of-year BBQ with Forest & Bird members and the Kiwi Conservation Club whanau - (so please bring your whanau and friends along too).
We will be heading up to the beautiful Aongatete Forest to enjoy a BBQ (F&B will provide all the kai for free), some games for the kids and a guided walk with bat detectors. The bat detectors can also pick up the Titipounamu/Rifleman's high pitched chirp - it is partly ultra-sonic and generally only "younger" people can hear it. So with the bat detectors, we can make sure everyone can enjoy it.
We will also take a look at the Para/King Ferns (At Risk - Declining) and learn about the fantastic mahi Aongatete Forest Project have done to protect this patch of the Kaimai's.
Please join us for a fun evening in the ngahere