
  • 2 Mar

  • 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Foodlovers Masterclass

Come along and learn about why we waste food and how to stop it. There will be a few face-palm moments and lots of laughs as Kate takes you through the reasons we waste food and what we can do about it. This is a fun but informative session and you will leave inspired with a cool goodie bag full of samples to get you started.

As seen on Eat Well for Less, Kate is an expert on waste reduction of over 15+ years and will give you real-world tips and tricks to implement.

More info:

Ticket price - $17, get a Goodie Bag worth $60 (Check out the pic to see what you can get!)

What's in the goodie bag? - Check out the picture for an example of what you get to take home. Note; the products in our packs are subject to change as we work with heaps of different awesome companies to put them together.

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