9 Mar
1:00 pm - 2:30 pm
Hangaruatia ō Papanga - Fabric Re-purposing Workshops
300,000 tonnes – that’s the whopping amount of clothing and textiles New Zealanders import each year.
Mostly ‘fast fashion’, these garments leverage trends using low-quality materials to bring inexpensive styles to consumers, creating an enormous environmental footprint for both production and disposal.
With only a small portion of these materials recycled the rest goes to landfill, where it can release up to three times its weight in greenhouse gases as parts of it break down.
In our fabric re-purposing workshop, we’ll help you explore ways damaged materials can be given a quality second life in your home rather than being sent to landfill. Come along to make things for your own home, or as gifts for others. Any fabrics can be used! These workshops are family friendly!
Click 'View Event Link' to book.
FREE event but registrations essential.