
  • 12 Mar

  • 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm

Crop Swap

Join Whakatane Crop Swap for a crop swap! https://www.facebook.com/groups/589085966703527
This is a FREE event to attend, registrations are not essential.
When: 5:30pm, Tuesday, March 12th
Where: Elevated Zen, 357 Taneatua Rd, Taneatua 3191, New Zealand
Bring what you have to share and choose what you need from this beautiful community’s abundance.
Others have brought seeds, seedlings, plant cuttings, knowledge of gardening and plants in general, fruits, vegetables, herbs, flowers, succulents, spare plant containers and seedling trays, gardening magazines, juices, sourdough scooby’s, baking samples with copies of recipes, feijoa wine recipes… a myriad of weird and wonderful things and cool ideas.
Here’s how the meet flows~
Put what you've brought out onto tables, and have a look at what's there.. chat with each other.
At 5:30pm everyone is welcomed and asked if is there anything anyone wants to let others know about.
Then we can each take a little of everything that's there on all the tables..
If there's anything still there, help yourself to more..
It's more sharing than swapping.. asking what things are, how to grow, preserve, cook, etc..
Then we all help tidy up and we’re finished by 6:30pm.
(If any of our things aren't chosen we take them back home.)
Whakatane Crop Swap is a wonderful place to form connections with like-minded individuals in a welcoming environment.
The space we meet in is generously made available by Shane and Chanti McLean at their private rural residence, just five minutes from Whakatane.
If you think you don’t have enough to swap, just bring whatever you can.


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