
  • 18 Jun

  • 10:00 am - 2:00 pm

Community Clean Up 40 Hour Challenge

Our Community Clean Up has been postponed to Sunday 2nd July 2023 due to a wet weather forecast

Join local students Chelsea and Loralei together with Envirohub for a 40 hour Community Clean Up Challenge.

40 Volunteer Hours  - 40 bags of rubbish

Can you join us for an hour or two?   The event starts at  10am Fergusson Park.  Look for the gazebo at the left-hand side of the entrance of Fergusson Park.  Drop in any time between 10am - 2pm

Some gloves and litter pickers will be provided but bring your own if you have any.   Wear closed-in shoes.

Sign up here so we know who is coming and we can keep in touch just in case there's a change of plan due to the weather

If you cant make it and want to sponsor Chelsea and Loralei please find out how here


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