7 Mar
6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
**Postponed** Keep an eye out for a new date coming in the next 2 months
Join us at Giggles Te Puke Early learning Centre for a workshop on building a bird feeder from upcycled materials.
Many feeders on the market favour introduced birds, learn about how to attract fruit-loving native birds like Tūī, Bellbirds and Waxeye.
When: Friday 7th March, 6pm - 7:30pm
Where: Giggles Learning Centre, Corner of Commerce Lane and King Street, Te Puke
Tickets: $20 per feeder. (Multiple people can work together to create one bird feeder.)
Conditions: We may be photographing the event, please let us know when you arrive, if you do not want to be in any photos.