• 12 Mar

  • 10:00 am - 11:00 am

Recycle/Upcycle Clothing Workshop (Children 8+ years)

Recycle/Upcycle a favourite piece of clothing (Children 8+ years)👚🧵

Bring one old favourite clothing item that is broken or no longer fits and we'll show you how you can upcycle it into a new piece of clothing or artwork! The workshop will be lead by our Repair Café volunteers and we'll be working with needles, threads, and embellishments (all provided).

This workshop is suitable for 8+ years and above. You don't need to know how to sew - we'll teach you. Don't forget to bring your enthusiasm!

$10 per child - Book here -https://app.tinkd.nz/events/view/63f2dbca6ec43153ae227244

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