How a business can make a difference
If you're a business owner or an employee and keen to help us look after our local environment - there are ways you can help us out! We have two programmes you can participate in - Specialist Recycling and Refill NZ.
Please contact our team to register your interest and help make our region better for future generations.
Specialist Recycling
How much waste does your business send to landfill that could actually be recycled? Envirohub has recently started collecting a number of different hard to recycle items to divert these from landfill. From plastic and metal bottle tops, coffee pods and toner cartridges.
If we can't recycle it, we might know someone who can! Don't throw away that "trash".
Find out more by getting in touch with us.

Refill NZ
In New Zealand we throw away an estimated 168 single use plastic bottles every year. Adding to our huge landfills and contributing to the plastic pollution in our oceans, killing marine animals and getting into the fish we eat.
EnviroHub are helping Refill NZ in their aims to change these stats by making it easier to find FREE tap water in cafes, other businesses, retail, and council venues.
Find out more about Refill NZ, or get in touch with us to join!