Para Kore ki Ruatahuna

Eastern Bay


Para Kore ki Ruatahuna

The Para Kore programme is designed to support marae to reduce waste. If you would like to be part of this zero waste kaupapa, please contact us by phone, text or email. The Para Kore team can give a presentation to your marae committee, provide waste advisors to work with your marae, deliver Para Kore wānanga to your whanau and help your marae set-up recycling and composting systems.

Para Kore is about embracing our tikanga of caring for Ranginui and Papatūānuku. Para Kore kaupapa believes landfilling or burning rubbish from our marae is a waste of resources and is harmful to us all.
Para Kore supports marae using organic waste to regenerate Papatūānuku by making compost, creating healthy soils and growing our own kai.


Krishna Smith


PO Box 112 Raglan 3265


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