Forest & Bird: Rotorua Branch
Forest & Bird: Rotorua Branch
Conservation, Pest control projects, Promotion of environmental awareness
Forest & Bird is New Zealand’s leading independent (not-for-profit) conservation organisation.
We work to protect, restore and defend New Zealand's wildlife and wild places.
Originally formed to protect our native forests and birds, our role has since grown to include all of New Zealand's wildlife and wild places – on land and in our oceans, lakes and rivers.
We provide a pro-conservation voice for all our threatened species and fragile places - from endangered Māui’s dolphins to high-country tussock-lands.
We work with other environmental organisations, such as BirdLife International, on environmental issues in New Zealand’s Exclusive Economic Zone, the wider Pacific and in Antarctica.
We are not a government organisation and do not receive government funding – we rely on the generosity of our members’ subscriptions, donations and bequests to carry out our conservation work.