
  • 20 Apr

  • 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Zero Waste Fashion Masterclass – weekend class

Learn how to integrate zero waste pattern making & marker making into your current production and design process in order to create less fabric waste. Taught in person by Emma La Rocca.

OPEN TO ALL: Students, Teachers, Large/Small Business, Individuals
1pm-4pm at Papamoa Library


  1. Choose a design sketch that you would like to make OR a finished pattern, marker or layplan that you would like to recreate with zero waste. You will save time by minimising your patterns, markers and layplans at home to 10% size either by hand or by printing them off in a smaller scale. We can also minimise your pattern size in class.
  2. We'll start with a visual introduction to the design processes of other zero waste designers. This will give examples of some techniques that we can explore in class.
  3. Working in pairs or as a designer/patternmaker alone create a zero or minimal waste marker for your chosen design.

Tools to bring:

Pens & pencils, Sketch books / paperPattern making equipment - eg. Awl, pencil, ruler, setsquare, scissors (If working on a computer) Laptop with your pattern making / marker making programmes. You will need Adobe illustrator or Inkscape for this task.

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